10 EASY ways to tell fake friends from real friends

How do you tell if a friend is fake or not? It’s not easy because nobody is just good or bad. We all got good sides and bad sides.

But in some people or relationships, the bad sides take over. And that’s when you got a fake friend.

Here are 10 signs that will help us tell your fake friends from your real ones.

Fake friends are not interested in you, they’re only interested in themselves. A good sign to tell is that they almost only talk about themselves.

1. Do they apologize and owe their mistakes up to you?

My best friend once forgot about our date and I was left alone in the middle of town. I called him and he was extremely embarrassed and apologetic about it. He later made up for it by making a fantastic lunch for me.

A fake friend would probably not really care, maybe they would be a bit annoyed or irritated that you even mentioned it.

Real friends make mistakes, but they own up to them and apologize. Fake friends don’t.

2. Do they lie to you or others?

A white lie is one thing, but if someone regularly lies, that’s a good way to tell they don’t have a good character.

It’s not easy to know if they’re lying to you, but it’s usually easier to see if they’re lying to others or if they’re insincere.

3. How do they make you feel about yourself?

This is a tricky sign. But ask yourself how you feel when you are with your friends? And how do you feel afterward? Did they do or say anything that affected your mood negatively?

If your situation is hard to read, describe it in the comments below and I’ll help you out!

Here’s what bad friends can make you feel like:

  • You feel bad about yourself
  • You feel there’s something wrong with you
  • You feel you’re not good enough
  • You feel you need to change yourself to fit in
  • You feel ashamed about yourself

Real friends lift you up and make you feel good about yourself.

4. Are they critical of your achievements?

Fake friends criticize

Good friends can give constructive criticism when you need it, but mostly they just support you and make sure you know how awesome you are for your achievement.

5. Do they understand your limitations?

Real friends understand when you can’t or don’t want to do something.

Fake friends will expect a lot from you, and get angry or irritated when you disappoint them.

Real friends have reasonable expectations on you, and they are understanding of your mistakes and flaws.

6. How do they react when you tell them something you’re proud or happy about?

Fake friends get envious and jealous when you do good and they will probably try to put you down in those situations.

Good friends will be happy for you.

7. Do they act differently when around others?

Are they mean when you are one-on-one, but “fake nice” when around others? Or is it the other way around, that they’re nice one-on-one and mean toward you around others?

Fake friends act differently when other people are around. This is a manipulative behavior that’s not acceptable.

8. Do they talk bad about you behind your back?

Fake friends talk shit and gossip about others with you. That’s a sign that they might gossip when you can’t hear it.

Real friends mostly say good things about others and good things about you.

9. Can you trust them to keep a secret?

Fake friends will tell your secrets to others because they don’t really care about you.

Real friends can be trusted with your secrets. It’s not black and white, but if someone has betrayed your trust more than once (and not apologized!), it might be time to rethink your relationship.

10. Do they try to one-up you?

Fake friends will try to one-up you. For example, if you tell them you got a new phone, they will claim their phone is better, or they will criticize your phone.

The reason they act like this is often because they have an inferiority complex and need to prove they’re better than everyone else.

Thanks for reading! Xoxo


In all seriousness though, I feel like I have learned so many life lessons that I want to share them all with you! So, grab your favorite hot beverage, get comfortable, and enjoy the read my friends!


1. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are doing ‘life’ wrong

There are many ways to live, we just have to find what works best for us; we shouldn’t let anyone else decide how we should live. 

2. Trust your instincts

Always, always, ALWAYS trust your inner voice and your heart, doing so has saved me many times.

3. Be present

We need to put down our devices and really be there for our loved ones; we need to actually listen to them without looking down at our electronics. So, enjoy the present because it will become your past before you know it.  

4. Take those first steps

Sometimes, we want to dive into something big, but this can be intimidating, thus preventing us from living out our true passion. Instead of diving into a big ocean, try dipping your toes into a pond then move onto splashing into your passion. Before you know it, you will be swimming in success!

5. Practice self love

This is a big one! Love yourself just the way you are, flaws and everything! Moreover, don’t blame yourself for your past mistakes, but think of your mistakes as lessons learned. 

6. Don’t let the negativity bring you down

It’s easy to get distracted by the negativity in this world- from strangers and even from those you know personally- but, don’t let it bring you down and distract you from reaching your goals.

7. Say ‘’no’’ to save your sanity

We can’t do it all, we just can’t. We need to learn to say ‘’no’’ sometimes, just to save our sanity. We also have to realize that it’s better to say ”no” at the present moment than take on too much and drown ourselves later on.

8. Faith gets you through the toughest times

I have fallen countless times throughout my life, but the one thing that helps me recover each and every time is my FAITH.

9. It’s never too late to work on your inner self

I have life goals that I have been working on since childhood, and I also have personal goals that I have started working towards as an adult; both are goals worth working towards because I know they are a part of my journey to becoming the best version of myself. 

10. Do more of what you love

There is so much power in doing things you love, so much peace that comes from this. So, do more of what you LOVE.

11. Just because you break down from time to time, this does not mean that you are broken

When you break down, look at it as an opportunity to build yourself up again, but this time build yourself up with more strength and power then before!

12. God is the best of all planners

There have been many times where I thought things were not working out for me, but in the end, I realized things were going exactly as God planned for me and HIS plans were indeed the BEST.

13. Don’t take things personally

This was a hard lesson for me to learn, as I did take things personally for a very long time. Through the years, I started to realize that the way individuals behave has nothing to do with me, but it says a lot about their insecurities, their struggles, and their character. 

14. Love with your soul

There’s loving others, but then there’s loving others with your soul. As time passes, you realize what the difference is between the two and you start loving with your soul more often because you know how it feels to be loved this way yourself.

15. Don’t compare yourself to others

We should not drain ourselves by comparing ourselves to others. We don’t know what others are going through, they could have it worse than us.  We are all in a different place and our situations vary, no two people are exactly the same, so just focus on staying on your own path. 

16. Make time for self care

Sometimes, we are so busy doing things for others, we forget about ourselves, and that’s why it’s important to make time for yourself. So, slow down and pamper yourself in the way you know best- you deserve it! 

17.  It’s okay to delete individuals from your life

I used to feel guilty about this one, but I learned that sometimes you can’t change people, but you can move away from them- and sometimes you NEED to distance yourself from people who are hurtful.

18. No one person has it all

There is no such thing as a person who has it ALL. In fact, one of the tests of this life is how we choose to live without that one thing we want the most, but don’t have! 

19. One act of kindness can change someone’s life

No act of kindness goes wasted, sometimes the tiniest gesture has the power to make a large impact on someone’s day, and even his or her life.

20. Build a support system

Surround yourself with people who will cheer you on when you are down, who will inspire you to pursue your passions, and who will always be there for you no matter what.  

21. Aim for peace

If we all aim for peace, then this world will become a beautiful place to live in.

22. Set realistic goals

The more realistic your goals are, the more easier you will be able to attain them, and thus you will feel more empowered to continue going further. 

23. We all struggle

No one person goes through this life without any hardships. We all struggle with something, but what matters is how we get through this struggle and the lessons we learn while fighting through our hardships.

24. Ask and He will give

It is never too late to turn to God for help, all you have to do is ask Him and He will answer your prayers.

25. It’s okay to reach out for help

Know that asking for help does not mean that you are weak, it means that you are strong enough to reach out.

26. Learn from others

Sometimes, people are placed in our lives to teach us lessons, so make sure you pay attention to what their purpose is.

27. Embrace change

Don’t think of change as something that should be intimidating, but rather look at it as a start to something new and exciting

28. Be brave

Be brave enough to be the unique you and to put your own spin on things- because differentis beautiful! 

29. Have the right intention

If you start something with the right intention, it will flourish into something amazing. If you turn something down with the right intention, then something better will come your way.

30. Beauty starts with the soul

The true definition of beauty is how you treat others, the respect, love, and kindness you show towards those around you.

The one theme that these life lessons all have in common is that there will be a time in your life where you feel like you are losing, but what you don’t know is that you are still a winner for not giving up. Take your time to rest, to take a break from it all, and then regain your energy and fight your way through the storm. If anything, the moments of darkness will help you to fight for the light even more.

Much peace and love always,


Is Mint good for acne?

YES! My skin is usually pretty good, until something important comes up, then it’s constellation time and it literally looks like I have the Big Dipper on my face. Luckily, fighting acne with at home remedies can be gentle and extremely effective. Try this very easy method to combat those little red devils!
Mint has great clarifying qualities and will aid your skin in banishing blemishes. It has been used for centuries as a natural way to fight acne.
Take Pure Mint Juice (hard to find, so you may need to squeeze it out yourself) and apply it directly on your face before you sleep. Wash face when you wake up. Also If you are suffering from dry skin, mint leaves can help. All you need to do is grind them and squeeze the juice out of them. Apply this juice on your dry skin and see the results for yourself.

Life is all about freedom and happiness!

“If you’re not having a good time, find something else that gives you some joy in life.”
Life is always up and down sometimes with a daily grinds sometime is a good success! But!
What is the defamation of success? Can you succeed with the daily work from 9-5… or there is more to be done? Some people says it’s all the combination everything..!
So can you make a different with that amount? Is that make you happy to stick around and not enjoy life? Or maybe you want more…?
Are you one of the many who are “ not” passionate about what they are doing..? and or it doesn’t even leave you with enough income to enjoy life or around family?
Isn’t it amazing to take your business with you in your mobile phone or laptop and enjoy life and family time every where?
If you are a serious person with a positive mindset who are really looking forward to change their lifestyle, take action today! don’t wait longer because it’s the right time and good your chance.
This Digital Business gives you the opportunity to leave a better lifestyle, be your own boss, stay around your children and work from where ever you want whenever you want with just a basic computer.
➡️ All the heavy lifting is automated
It’s 100% legit and worldwide
No experience needed
more time family and friends
more travel time with your family or by
It runs 24/7 without you around it,
Training and mentoring available any time you want,
No need to run after family and friends to sale it.
Free live webinar master mind class,
There is one very special about this Business that the whole community group is around you, can get help and have fun with like your family and friends.
It has changed the lives of thousands of people so many joining us every day and getting better and better daily, so it’s never too late.
So what are you waiting for nothing is impossible,
I had zero computer skills with only using my mobile device! So you don’t need to be worry!
Register with your “name”and “email”today for a free webinar and you get more details there!
Click the “learn bottom” or here ➡️ https://www.hikmaahmed.com/optin28851214 If you want more info..

Why the pursuit of happiness is important?

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you handle it.” We can’t change our past, we can’t change people’s actions and we also can’t change what is bound to happen. What we CAN do is always react and handle every situation to the best of our ability. Every single day, hour, minute, and second of our lives, each and every one of us has the choice regarding what type of attitude we want to have in that second, minute, hour, or day. The pursuit of happiness is a matter of choice.
People often ask how Some people deal with hate, negativity or rumors/speculation (whether it’s true or false). The answer is really quite simple. Saying that, They have the choice of whether They choose to be positive or negative about these situations. At this point in their life, there are slim to 0 things that anyone could ever say or make up about me that could affect me. Why? Because I am fully content with the wise decisions I have made, therefore it is extremely easy for me to be positive and never feel the need to act “petty” or “clap-back” just simply ignore it all because these negative things hold no significance in my life.
When you are able to
1. Maintain a clear conscience by living an honest life and doing right by people.
2. Think rationally/use discernment so you are able make wise decisions to live a life of no regrets.
3. Always choose to have a positive outlook no matter what is thrown at you in life, is when you will live a happy, stress-free and gratifying life!
In conclusion, the longer you live..the more you will realize how much yourattitude impacts your life. So if you want to truly live a happy life, the most important thing you need to have is a great, positive attitude..no matter what hand you are dealt!

xOxO 💋


“Most women lose half of their baby weight by 6 weeks after childbirth (postpartum). The rest most often comes off over the next several months. A healthy diet with daily exercise will help you shed the pounds. Breastfeeding can also help with postpartum weight loss.”

That being said here are some tips that I use.

1. Drink up

I have been dieting and have found that drinking water in general helps. I tend to lose more if I drink more water. Got no idea how it works, but it does! I tried the hot water but just couldn’t stand the taste, even with lemon! Wish I could.

Some research has found that it may speed up your metabolism. Also drinking plenty of water throughout the day prevents you from getting dehydrated. It also fills you up so that you don’t eat as much, and .

2. Have this foods

These are some of the foods that I have been eating after giving birth.

Low-fat dairy products

Whole wheat bread


Lean beef


Seeds and nuts

Brown rice



Leafy greens.

3. Walking

I walked with my boy a little bit every single day, whether it was down the street, at the grocery store, or at the mall. We’d stroll for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour a day, depending on how long my baby would stay into it.

4. Exercises

Exercise alone won’t make you lose weight, but it will keep your metabolism up and tone your muscles. Aerobic activities, such as walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming can help you lose weight and improve your overall health.

If you have any other tips comment below xoxo

5 Easy things to do to have a beautiful day

1. Shower

It help you wake up and feel more energized even if you’re moping around and not wanting to go to work.

It is essentially the only way to truly wake me up and get me ready for the day, and I cannot stress how much worse I feel all day .

2. Eat healthy breakfast

Your mood for the day can actually be affected by the things that you do and eat. In order to jump start your day and prepare your mind and body for the busy day ahead, you need to have a power breakfast. 

3. Go outside

This is pretty good news for those of us who are worried about fitting new habits into our already-busy schedules. 10 minutes is a short enough time to spend outside that you could fit it into your commute or even your lunch break.

4. Practice smiling

Smiling itself can make us feel better, but it’s more effective when we back it up with positive thoughts, according to study. A smile is also a good way to alleviate some of the pain we feel in troubling circumstances.

5. Stay Away From Negative People

Negative people can just pull you down so there is really no point in spending your time with them. Stay away from them whenever possible. If they happen to be your mates, seek to inspire them. If that won’t do, perhaps it’s time to find yourself new mates.

Thank you for reading

My favourite moisturizer (must have)

I’d like to start by saying I’ve never used Bobbi Brown products before.
My skin has been so dry all winter. This product has smoothed my skin and given me a fresh glow.
It provided enough moisture in my dryer areas that I did not feel or see the dry patches on my face after applying makeup. For the moisturizing purposes I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Also I tried this as a primer because it states that it can be used for both. It did very nice with my foundation! I wouldn’t say it minimized my pores but I did feel like my makeup laid better on my skin! I did not have any trouble with it interfering with my foundation and causing any problems. I absolutely LOVE it.
It smells very citrusy which i love. Then, I was impressed by the consistency, it’s a nice thick white “moisturizer” .
I applied it with my fingers.
Overall, I am pleasantly surprised and I will totally purchase this when I run out.
I would recommend it.
If you guys are interested here is the link to purchase
Thank you for reading this far.

How did I start my online business?

Life is always up and down sometimes with a daily grinds sometime is a good success! But!

I took action earlier as a risk, because I was keen to learn I know the word “risk” is not a good word but I’m trying to tell the reality of my story, how I’ve brought it here.!! And now I’m here to help others to do the same.

I was looking for something to teach me new skills so I can reach to run my husbands small business, and I found this system that even better than the one we’ve been running.

Hi my name is Hikma and I’m living in Canada , I’m in the Digital Business world and you can “join” too to become one of us and be your own boss. Since I joined this business I’ve seen so many successful people around me from all walks of life Become a DIGITAL Entrepreneur. Today I want to help others to run a business by themselves with this auto system.

What is the defamation of success? Can you succeed with the daily work from 9-5… or there is more to be done? Some people says it’s all the combination everything..!

So can you make a different with that amount? Is that make you happy to stick around and not enjoy life? Or maybe you want more…?

Are you one of the many who are “ not” passionate about what they are doing..? and or it doesn’t even leave you with enough income to enjoy life or around family?

Isn’t it amazing to take your business with you in your mobile phone or laptop on your shoulder, and enjoy life and family time every where?

If you are a serious person with a positive mindset who are really looking forward to change their lifestyle, take action today! don’t wait longer because it’s the right time and good your chance.

This Digital Business gives you the opportunity to leave a better lifestyle, be your own boss, stay around your children and work from where ever you want whenever you want with just a basic computer.

Running a successful business isn’t it awesome to work from the comfort of your own home or wherever you want to? Just need your mobile phone or a laptop and a wifi..

It’s a worldwide digital business most of the heavy lifting is already done for you !

➡️ All the heavy lifting is automated

It’s 100% legit and worldwide

No experience needed

more time family and friends

more travel time with your family or by

It runs 24/7 without you around it,

Training and mentoring available any time you want,

No need to run after family and friends to sale it.

Free live webinar master mind class,

There is one very special about this Business that the whole community group is around you, can get help and have fun with like your family and friends.

It has changed the lives of thousands of people so many joining us every day and getting better and better daily, so it’s never too late.

So what are you waiting for nothing is impossible,

I had zero computer skills with only using my mobile device! So you don’t need to be worry!
